Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Beauty and Chaos

Lets address one of the biggest questions ever asked: Why are we here? What is life all about?

Some people believe its about being happy, finding your "soul-mate" and spending the rest of your natural lives together. Is there even such a thing as a soul-mate? Lets not drift off topic just yet.

Some believe its about endless days of work followed by vacation followed by work, until we retire and start forgetting simple things in old age, till we can't get to the bathroom in time and someone has to clean up after us and in extreme cases being bedridden, only to be buried by our kids at the bitter end of it all. We lose our health, trying to make money and make something of ourselves. We later lose our money trying to regain our health. Whatever is left of our money at the end passes on to our kids or next of kin.

Optimistic people or rather hippies say, "Its about the journey, not the destination." The experiences you gain, being broke, being sad, heart break, the happiness you feel when you come home to your dog after a long day, the joy of seeing a new born child, the sparkle in your eye when you see a loved one, that feeling of adventure as your travel the world. Its all these moments thrown together that make life worth living. These events mould you, you character, your spirit, they are responsible for who you are today.

What if I told you that life really had no destination? It doesn't make sense, it was never supposed to. We aren't put here to make the most of our lives, we're not meant to live up to our highest potential. Its OK to be mediocre, its OK not to work harder than the Joneses and just be happy where you're at right now. Maybe we're all just thrown down here and someone up there in the universe said, "Lets see what they do with the time that is given to them." No purpose, no goal. Its an environment where we can be whatever/whomever we want. Free will. There is no right, no wrong, no heaven, no hell. Can you imagine a world full of people who just live for the moment? No competition, no hatred, no jealousy. Happiness. If you keep telling yourself that you are happy, you'll eventually believe it. Live in the moment, satisfy your needs. Would a world like this be beautiful? Or would there be chaos?

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