Thursday, February 20, 2014

Conroy Cranston

Conroy Sydney Arthur Cranston, i kept calling you C - SAC (ball sac) :P

Nicknames: Conkie, Donkie, Fried Chicken, Stewie (hehe), Firangi, Chiknya, CONNNAAAAA!!!

Birth: 5th October 1989 (im older than you! hah!)

Favourite Colour: Purple and Black (emo fuck :P)

Favourite Songs: Fix you, All the above, Hey soul sister, May angels lead you in, Leave out all the rest, Replay, Forever Young

Last conversation we had in person:
Conroy: Dude, do me a favour na, take care of smriti for me
Kirsten: What? you think i dont have any better work to do? <evil smile>
Conroy: Asshole.... :P
And we hugged

Last conversation over the phone:
Conroy: WAzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Kirsten: Hello, how are you? having fun?
Conroy: Ya, finally working now, making 700 usd a month, you know what that means, party when i get back!!
Kirsten: Shack!!!
Conroy: Ya, and i get paid more for overtime also
Kirsten: So only boys on board na, that sucks!
Conroy: Ya man.
Kirsten: Dont worry, give it a couple of months, even them boys will look real attractive
Conroy: haha...
Kirsten: So did you rape any guy anally yet?
Conroy: Hehe, no!!
Kirsten: Did you get raped anally?
Conroy, NOOOOO!!!
Kirsten: Then balls your having fun....
Conroy: Aye ya!!!: P
Smriti: Hahahaha!

Psychologists say that when somebody dies, we cry more for ourselves and about how we cant cope without that person, rather than cry for that person. Its true, i dont know who to turn to without you.

I never got a chance to tell you how much i love you. You were the closest person to me for the longest period in my life, you are my brother, my best man, my best friend, my team mate.

You wanted smriti to have your ring incase anything happened to you, and i was next in line, i think its with her right now, and i think she deserves it more than i do as she was closer to you than anybody else :)

The cross i gave you is coming back too, so i shall keep that,
i wanted you buried with it, but that cross around my neck will always remind me of you :)

I am so happy you and smriti made the most of what you'll had while you'll had it, as much as i was grossed out by the PDA, i enjoyed every moment with you guys. You'll proved me wrong, as it stands that very rarely happens, so enjoy the moment :D

People told us we partied too much and theres plenty of time to do it with our own money, study now, stop being so wasted and do something with our lives, tell you the truth, they may have been right, but i am so happy we partied every weekend and sometimes through the week too....we made the most of the 6 months you were down here :')

We shared everything, from our food, to our rings and necklaces, our colognes, clothes and even women ;)

You've left me with this gaping hole in my life, i dont know how to fill it, but ill be strong, for those you love and those who love you. I cant replace you EVER, i wont. It was you and me against the world, always, somehow we never got along with boys very well, we were always closer to girls, but you and me, our relationship was written in stone, people called us gay, but that soon changed when they saw the list of girls.

Then they called us players and girls were told not to trust us, boy were they right :P

Remember how we laughed everytime we heard the stories and things people would say about us? They called us complete assholes, flirts, said we couldnt be trusted,
it was all true :) hehe, its just that we could be trusted, we trusted eachother with our lives.

Im sorry for whatever i have done to hurt you in the past, if anything at all, and i dont even remember you doing anything to ever hurt me, im a guy who always remembers wrongs, but you, you have a clean sheet with me, very tough for someone to do that in my life.

We made a pact to be eachothers best men,
You still are my best man, i shall keep a photograph of you, right next to me when im getting married, you are and always will be number one in line. I just wish i could have been yours.

When stephanie and eapens father passed away, you told me you hated to be at funerals, you avoided them no matter what, and i asked you if you would be there for mine, you smiled, i never imagined that i would be attending your funeral.

You wanted everyone to do a rum shot for you at your funeral, since this is india and we cant exactly arrange that, we shall have a small party instead and do that.

Im doing what i can to help out with things and console people, ill take good care of smriti, i know its really soon to be saying this but, for any future "guy" ill put myself in your shoes, and only if you would like him will i let her date him, otherwise ill have his balls cut off :)

Kanika, Smriti, You and I, did everything together, it hasnt really hit us properly because we got used to the fact that we werent going to see you for a year, finality, acceptance and closure will arrive only with the sight of you in that church, and as much as the choir sings and the church bells ring, our worlds have fallen silent without you. Six billion souls in the world, and sometimes, all you need, is one.

We shall be singing May angels lead you in for your funeral, im sure you would like that :)

Some of the best memories in my life, are with you, there was a point when you were obsessed with the song forever young, i listened to it last night, looks like you got your wish, you will be forever young :D

PS: ill still dance to all the above like you were right beside me :')

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