Saturday, January 18, 2014

Date a girl who you can make Happy.

Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who bakes. Date a guy who reads. Don't date a girl who reads. I've been seeing a lot of these blogs/articles/posts online. What is wrong with everyone? Are people completely and utterly retarded? You don't date someone because they read.

You don't even date them because they do the same things as you. You date a person for who they are! Who you are, is what you do in everyday life, your deeds, your compassion towards other beings, your heart. You date someone for how they make you feel.

Before someone pipes in and says "Reading is something someone does, it contributes to who a person is. Its a choice, and it improves your thinking." Let me tell you this. I completely agree. Reading novels however, DOES NOT make you smart. Nor does it improve your IQ. Intelligence comes from text books. Not fantasy stories and controversial books. The most you'd do is day dream about being in those worlds and improve your vocabulary. Hardly anything worthwhile. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fantasy novels like Harry Potter, comic books like Superman (duh!) and stories which keep you hooked from start to finish, but you have to love the person who is reading the book. Not love them because they are reading that book. Not because they love the same songs as you do. Not because she's 5'8" has a great body and is really good in bed.

Too many people are searching for someone perfect. Someone who is exactly like us, Others are with someone because they're afraid of being alone. Then there are those who are only dating cause they're bored or they're in need of a slam piece. Its sad really. What love has become in the 21st century. Call me old fashion, call me gay, call me a hippie or cheesy, but when you find that one person, your world will change.

We're fooling ourselves. We're thinking with our brain, not our heart. Someone can stimulate you mentally, and to us, that seems like a good match in our heads. So we tell ourselves they're right for us. But has anyone actually listened to their heart?

Do you really love them or do you just like them and have a tiny crush cause they look good and they're reading the same book you read a few weeks ago? The world is fucking mad. We're fooled into believing love stories which have epic beginnings and magical endings, Love isn't like that. Love is compromise. Learning to love an imperfect person perfectly. THAT is love.

Love is a two way street. She has to feel the same way around you, as you do around her. If its one sided, then they aren't the one for you. Find someone who makes you laugh, find someone who you can sit on a couch with, while you do your thing, she does hers and just being around each other is enough. Find someone who you're insanely comfortable around, who you wouldn't think twice about hugging and kissing and everything just feels natural. Use your head and follow your heart. Find someone who you can make happy and in doing that, makes you happy.

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