Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Tragedy of Wall Street

I thought the Wolf of Wall Street was a highly overrated film. In all honesty I'd like to give the actors their due, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie did a really good job, so did Jonah Hill. But apart from drugs and money, there was no epic twist, nothing remotely outstanding about the movie. It looked like a bad fusion of Scarface and Entourage and it really hurts that I have to compare it to Scarface which was a masterpiece. In all honesty the whole movie was the typical rags to riches story, money, drugs, tits and ass (definitely not Margot's cause she doesn't have any), drugs, Quaalude, sex and the cycle goes on. The second half of the movie after the interval was painfully dragged, To make things worse, scenes which could have helped save the movie, such as him snorting cocaine off various places, the gay party scene in his apartment and various other ones where just censored out. I'd probably give the movie a 6.5/10 for how funny the build up is, but that's me being nice. The main reason this movie caught such good reviews is cause of the language and open adult humour since the American Pie series. Apart from that Leonardo and Martin Scorsese's name literally sold the movie. People really need to think twice before rating a movie an 8.7/10 or a 4 star rating. More so, it is DEFINITELY not worth a theater watch.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Date a girl who you can make Happy.

Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who bakes. Date a guy who reads. Don't date a girl who reads. I've been seeing a lot of these blogs/articles/posts online. What is wrong with everyone? Are people completely and utterly retarded? You don't date someone because they read.

You don't even date them because they do the same things as you. You date a person for who they are! Who you are, is what you do in everyday life, your deeds, your compassion towards other beings, your heart. You date someone for how they make you feel.

Before someone pipes in and says "Reading is something someone does, it contributes to who a person is. Its a choice, and it improves your thinking." Let me tell you this. I completely agree. Reading novels however, DOES NOT make you smart. Nor does it improve your IQ. Intelligence comes from text books. Not fantasy stories and controversial books. The most you'd do is day dream about being in those worlds and improve your vocabulary. Hardly anything worthwhile. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fantasy novels like Harry Potter, comic books like Superman (duh!) and stories which keep you hooked from start to finish, but you have to love the person who is reading the book. Not love them because they are reading that book. Not because they love the same songs as you do. Not because she's 5'8" has a great body and is really good in bed.

Too many people are searching for someone perfect. Someone who is exactly like us, Others are with someone because they're afraid of being alone. Then there are those who are only dating cause they're bored or they're in need of a slam piece. Its sad really. What love has become in the 21st century. Call me old fashion, call me gay, call me a hippie or cheesy, but when you find that one person, your world will change.

We're fooling ourselves. We're thinking with our brain, not our heart. Someone can stimulate you mentally, and to us, that seems like a good match in our heads. So we tell ourselves they're right for us. But has anyone actually listened to their heart?

Do you really love them or do you just like them and have a tiny crush cause they look good and they're reading the same book you read a few weeks ago? The world is fucking mad. We're fooled into believing love stories which have epic beginnings and magical endings, Love isn't like that. Love is compromise. Learning to love an imperfect person perfectly. THAT is love.

Love is a two way street. She has to feel the same way around you, as you do around her. If its one sided, then they aren't the one for you. Find someone who makes you laugh, find someone who you can sit on a couch with, while you do your thing, she does hers and just being around each other is enough. Find someone who you're insanely comfortable around, who you wouldn't think twice about hugging and kissing and everything just feels natural. Use your head and follow your heart. Find someone who you can make happy and in doing that, makes you happy.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Crazy lil thing called Love.

Human beings are in constant search of their soul mates or since some people do not like that term, lets say, they're in search for the best possible match. There is no such thing as the perfect person. But there is such a thing as the perfect person for you. Plato wrote that we were beings with four hands, four legs and two heads, and Zeus fearing our power split us up into two halves, hence we are destined to roam the Earth searching for our other half.

How do you know if someone is right for you? As someone who is quite social, I get along really well with most people. So how would I know if that girl I met the other day could be the one? I seem to get along really well with most of my female friends. Are we looking for that spark? That moment when you look into someones eyes and everyone around you'll disappears?  Those few seconds of instant attraction where your mind is fumbling around for what to say, you think something, but something else comes out, your body is screaming so many different things at you, your stomach is doing somersaults, your hands get a little shaky and you over analyse everything you've said or are about to say? Is that what I and everyone else is looking for? What if it doesn't exist, what if all that cause us to act like a monkey who is getting drunk and electrocuted at the same time was a slight misfire of neurons in the brain or just a simple awkward moment where you were lost for words?

It is often said that the perfect person for you has been in plain sight all along. What if this person is your best friend? Think about it. They've always been there for you. You trust them with all your secrets. It doesn't matter if they've loved before or said they'd never love again, they love you now, and that's all that matters. They understand you, they get you. Can even predict you at times.
Falling in love with your best friend is a beautiful thing. They're the closest person to you at this point of time, they're chat window is always open on your phone, they're the first to know about every major event of your life and the intricate details of all the minor ones too.

Whether you like it or not, you are already in an emotional relationship with them. You'll are typically like a couple and tend to ditch other, less important people to meet each other. Sometimes even boyfriends and girl friends get a rain check for your best friend.

But what if your best friend and your significant other were the same person? Can't be done you say? Why? Because sometimes, some people are meant to be your girl/boyfriends and some people are meant to be your best friends. Because you know when you have had a rough day and you need someone to make it better there is a best friend or if you want to make it worse there is a girl/boyfriend? Or is it because of a lack of physical attraction?

Let me tell you something about physical attraction: There is no barrier that alcohol can't break. Enough said. Then again, some people say that if alcohol is needed, it wasn't meant to be. Well electricity was discovered because lighting struck, not because someone slowly cranked up a generator.
People are afraid. Afraid of being alone, afraid of going through all the wrong people, afraid of dating the right ones cause they might lose them.

You can go through your whole twenties doing one night stands and friends with benefits or whatever other arrangements people have these days, but you will still feel all alone. Because at the end of they day, we're all human, and being human, we need to find that connection. There is that popular saying, "Its not about who you wanna spend Saturday night with, its about who you wanna spend all day Sunday with."

Don't be afraid, ask them out. Test the waters. If you'll are that good friends, you'll can come back from anything. Love is a an amazing feeling and we will only have one true love in our whole life. Don't worry about being friend zoned, don't worry about your heart being broken, you've already trusted them with your heart the minute you called them your best friend.

Its really sad what people call love these days, there are no more romantic gestures, there is nothing sacred anymore, nothing saved just for a relationship. Its really sad that there is no lying down under the stars, speaking your hearts out, doing something just to see them smile. everything is about hooking up and having fun.

In a world which advocates sex, true love is dying. Be romantic, make the first move, your best friend is your soul mate, you'll weren't stuck with each other, you'll found and chose each other. Don't stop believing in true love, don't stop believing in the possibilities.

How can you sit next to them when everything within you is screaming that they're the one for you. If your face lights up when you see them, if your day is better, if all the hot chocolate in the world doesn't make you feel as good as their hugs do. You've found the person you're looking for. I cannot promise you that this relationship will work or even go the distance, but I can promise you that if you give it a shot, you'll be really happy wherever it goes, it will be one of the best relationships of your life.

There is someone who you've been thinking about while reading this. Just saying.
It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.


There's a reason for the cage of ribs around our hearts.

There's a secret that never started as one, but in forgetting, became the one we keep from ourselves.

That our rib cage is a bird cage, rusted metal and squeaking hinge and our heart is a bird.

Our memories line the bottom of our swinging cage like newspaper and torn shreds of torn wishes, like steady wing beat that echoes in the hollow of our chest.

Listen to the sound, the frantic and desperate flapping when our heart, our bird, finds another and feels the wind from their wings stretched and hopeful.

Listen to the sound when their song becomes our song and they sing together.

Can we open the gates to these rib cages and with message wrapped tight to the feet send our birds out to explore?

Will we feel our birds when they fall madly in love with the world, with their own flight, with another?

Will we have the courage to keep those gates open and let our birds fly?

Are we given the keys to these gates, are they built in and left dangling around our necks or are they hidden with the secret that never started as one but in forgetting became the one that we still keep from ourselves?

Will we always?

Our ribs ache for longer than we can admit and somehow, sometimes we lose those keys to those gates and those hearts, those birds forget how to fly.

We cannot let our birds fall with their feathers, ancient and loose with a lack of use; we cannot let them bury themselves in memories, the torn shreds of torn wishes that line in the bottom of these rib cages.

Reach into your chest and tear the gates down, shake life into your heart and throw it to the air.

Let falling become flying because they never forgot how.

Let falling become flying and don't wait, never wait for your bird to come home.

There's no reason for the cage of ribs around our hearts.

Open your hearts, and you will know love.

~ Tyler Knot Gregson

Irena Sendler

Post Its

Sunday, January 12, 2014


We only live once, but if we do it right, once is all we need. It is far better to die of passion than of boredom. Get out there and keep moving forward. It may be something as small as a single step everyday. Before you know it, you're 365 steps from where you were. Let life be a daring adventure which lights up our eyes every time you talk about it. Take a lover who looks at you like you are magic. Look for a lover with your soul, not your eyes. Travel the world like its the plains of Middle Earth and remember, you have to get lost to find the places that can't be found. Let your grandchildren delight to find the start of your stories in their ears but the endings all around in their wandering eyes. I know I'm late but Happy New Year everyone! This is the year of change. The year where hopes and dreams will come true. It is time.

Life Lessons

The best advice I've ever gotten was you shouldn't be in a relationship with someone whom you wouldn't marry. Its a waste of time and takes you off the market. Don't worry about relationships, build friendships and one day maybe you'll suddenly meet your soul mate or you'll realize you want to spend the rest of your life with your best friend. Your young life shouldn't be spent trying to fall in love or even having to worry about a partner. Your life right now should be filled with spending time on finding yourself, travelling the world and building friendships. Adventure awaits you out there in the world, around every corner, you just have to keep yourself open to the possibilities and stop trying to plan your life or tie yourself down. Let your spirit run free.