Thursday, January 29, 2015

Backstroking through the Backwaters

I've always wanted to just pick up a backpack and GO. No planning, Nothing, Go where the road takes you. That's all easier said than done. As the time draws near departure, you start to think. What about stay? What about food? What if I get robbed? Or cheated? The best way to begin building your nerves is taking a trip within your own country. I did just that in April this year. I picked up my back pack and went down south to Kerala. Kerala as a state is a beautiful place, but coconut trees and greenery alone don't make a place beautiful. Everything added up, the culture, the people. the places, the night life, the simple things like their food and habits. All of that together, defines a place. Kerala has the highest consumption of alcohol in India (My kinda Everything from the sea food to the churches is spectacular. For the first time in my life I actually picked out the fish I wanted to eat fresh from the nets (Chinese fishing nets located in Fort Kochi.) The food is surprisingly cheap and there is no need to go to a fancy restaurant to get the taste of typical Kerala cuisine. In fact the best food is in the local 'dhabas' and carts. The backwaters in Kerala are one of the most beautiful places I've seen. The house boats are cozy and perfect for lazy afternoon cruises and at night, when all the boats lay still, the water becomes placid and still like glass and reflects the beautiful Kerala sky. All the stars and the moon above you and beneath you, you truly feel like its God's own country,

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Double Standards

Off late, I've noticed many people posting pictures with puppies and kittens to their Facebook/Instagram and ranting about how cute said animal is.

Normally, that would make me really happy. But seeing that these are the same people who once HATED animals, it really bothers me.

Don't get me wrong, maybe people can change, and that particular animal they are holding has found a way into their heart, but for the people who are doing it just because its the new "in" thing, I think its totally wrong.

I see girls who readily pick up cute puppies and kittens at adoptathons but when they come back to their area, they are extremely turned off and even walk fast if a stray on the road follows them.

People who have shunned animals and hit them with sticks and thrown stones at them for the longest time have suddenly realised that puppy/kitten love has grown amongst their friends and society frowns on cruelty because of this. These people have no love for sick/wounded animals or even healthy fully grown ones.

People who signed letters and petitions against animals in my own colony, now have profile pictures with stray dogs on Facebook. They buy/adopt dogs and hire someone to feed them, walk them and groom them, all they do is pet the animal a few minutes and then they're back their lives. Countless animals have been abandoned due to old age or because their owner doesn't have the time for them or is moving to a new city/country. Your animal may only be a small part of your life, but to him/her, you're his entire life.

Its definitely not a change of heart, but since everyone is doing and its the new "cool" thing to do, so why not right?

The one and only reason I've kept quiet about double standards and not told other people about how cruel these people were is that in the end, even if they love one animal, and they give it a moments attention, all they are doing may just be for show, but in that moment, the animal still wins.

I'm trying to find a way to be happy without being the best.

I didn't become a priest, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was the Pope.

I didn't become a lawyer, because I wouldn't be happy unless i was Chief Justice.

I didn't become an engineer, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was Tony Stark.

I didn't become a musician, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was John Mayer.

I didn't become a writer, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was J.K. Rowling.

I didn't become a Doctor, because I wouldn't be happy until I was House.

I became a pilot. because the sky is not the limit, the sky is home

Monday, November 3, 2014

Listen to reason and follow your heart.

Your time here is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is the result of other people's thinking.

Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Everything else is secondary.

~ Steve Jobs

Thursday, September 11, 2014


"Good morning", said the interviewer.

"Good morning", replied the boy.

"You look a little lost, do you know why you're here?" asked the man wondering if this was his 9am.

"I heard this is where you go when you're lost, when you can't decide what to do with your life. Like career guidance" replied the boy.

"Yes and no. This is the Great Potential course. We are in the business of exploring your talents, there are no questionnaires or anything, we simply make you try everything, note your strengths and work on those. We have one strict rule, 'Learn something new, everyday.'

"What do you mean try everything?" asked the boy curiously.

"I was being literal. replied the interviewer. "Everything from archery to boating, engineering to flying, law to medicine, advanced math to quantum physics, rock climbing to sailing, running to shooting, This includes various survival courses. This course is tailored to your lifestyle and you learn mainly things you'd use in life. Even being street-smart isn't something we can teach, but we do our best.

"That's a lot of studying, and a lot of reading, I don't read much." replied the boy.

"There are no books, only hands on activity. Books can only teach you so much." said the interviewer.

"Awesome, when can I start?" said the boy now very excited.

"Before we do, I need to ask you about what your life's goals were before you came here. What were your dreams and why you're in my office if you had aim and direction in life."
"So, what do you want to do with your life? and please be completely honest."

The boy said," I want to be the best person I can be. Live up to my highest potential. I want to change the world for the better. I want to make a difference, I want to be remembered. I want to surround myself by people with a burning desire to succeed, with people who always strive to do better. To accomplish more. I want positive, happy people to be my friends, because happiness is a state of mind. I want to help people, use kindness to start a chain reaction and show each other what true compassion is. I want it all, a mansion, fast cars, classy jets and to be surrounded by scantily clad women. But most of all, I want to be a good human being."

The interviewer in response to this said something the boy never expected him to say. "Why?"
"Does this mean that nothing makes you happy or content?"

The boy responded saying, "My dad told me that only when you aim for the stars, will you hit something as high as the moon. Aiming for the trees will only get you so far."

The interviewer laughed and said, "Have you ever thought that you don't need to be rich? Or do exceptionally well in life? Its okay to take days off and do nothing with your life every now and then? Its okay to waste time, set your work aside for a personal life. Its okay to be mediocre."

The boy almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You said this is the great potential course, where you'll encourage living up to your highest potential."

"No, I said its the Great Potential course where we work on your strengths, the ultimate goal of this course if your happiness. Whether you're good at everything and can accomplish great things or good at nothing, which is highly unlikely and want to live a life just getting by." the man replied.

"So whats wrong with my goals of wanting to be a good human being and changing the world?" asked the boy.

"There is nothing wrong with your life's goals. The truth is son, the world will never change. Not because of Good people who do nothing. But because Bad people will never change. They say we're all inherently good, and bad circumstances make us bad. I think we're all inherently violent. Given the right circumstances, we're all capable of the most heinous crimes. That comes from within us. No matter what you do, or how kind you are, some people have a backward way of thinking, they have so much hatred in their heart for other races/religions/political parties that nothing you can say or do will penetrate their shell. The world is beyond saving.

The boy was at a loss for words, until he remembered something from an old Superman comic.
"Do you know why everyone believes in Superheroes to some extent?".

"Why?" the interviewer asked.

"Because someday we all dream of being saved from whatever bad situation we're in"

"Well" the interviewer said, "You can't save everybody."

"The day a good person believes that, is the day he stops trying." replied the boy.

The interviewer smiled.

The boy continued, "Maybe hate is a good thing, without hate you'd never appreciate Love. Without suffering, you'd never see compassion and as for wanting to live up to my highest potential, I couldn't live a mediocre life, deep down in my heart, I know I am destined for great things. I just don't know how to start out, I need a catalyst, someone or something to show me the way."

"Welcome to the Great Potential course, you'll excel here" replied the interviewer.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Imagine being in that moment. Being Lionel Messi. The German wall ahead of you. The world watching. Your team down by one goal. Sweat rolling down your forehead to the tip of your nose. The FIFA world cup hanging in the balance. One goal stands between you and greatness. You'll be compared to the great players of your nation, be called the best of your generation. Be a hero. Each and every Argentina supporter holding their breath. Hoping. Wishing. Praying. The whistle goes. What I'd give to be in those shoes. What a moment.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Restaurant Review - Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin Donuts served me the worst burgers and donuts I have ever eaten. The 'Heaven can wait burger' was pretty decent. but I honestly think Big Nasty, McDonalds, KFC and Hersch (Bandra) make much better burgers for half the cost. One burger had so much sauce it was slimy and kept slipping out of the bun. The donuts tasted like they were from a bakery, worse than monginis. There was a thin layer of chocolate sauce which also tasted bad, The smoothie tasted like a melted pop-sickle and the chocolate milk shake was like the chocolate milk you get in the US for 5$ a gallon. I really feel sorry for every one who waited in line 3 hours to get grossly over priced, just barely edible food. Never going back.