Thursday, January 29, 2015

Backstroking through the Backwaters

I've always wanted to just pick up a backpack and GO. No planning, Nothing, Go where the road takes you. That's all easier said than done. As the time draws near departure, you start to think. What about stay? What about food? What if I get robbed? Or cheated? The best way to begin building your nerves is taking a trip within your own country. I did just that in April this year. I picked up my back pack and went down south to Kerala. Kerala as a state is a beautiful place, but coconut trees and greenery alone don't make a place beautiful. Everything added up, the culture, the people. the places, the night life, the simple things like their food and habits. All of that together, defines a place. Kerala has the highest consumption of alcohol in India (My kinda Everything from the sea food to the churches is spectacular. For the first time in my life I actually picked out the fish I wanted to eat fresh from the nets (Chinese fishing nets located in Fort Kochi.) The food is surprisingly cheap and there is no need to go to a fancy restaurant to get the taste of typical Kerala cuisine. In fact the best food is in the local 'dhabas' and carts. The backwaters in Kerala are one of the most beautiful places I've seen. The house boats are cozy and perfect for lazy afternoon cruises and at night, when all the boats lay still, the water becomes placid and still like glass and reflects the beautiful Kerala sky. All the stars and the moon above you and beneath you, you truly feel like its God's own country,

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Double Standards

Off late, I've noticed many people posting pictures with puppies and kittens to their Facebook/Instagram and ranting about how cute said animal is.

Normally, that would make me really happy. But seeing that these are the same people who once HATED animals, it really bothers me.

Don't get me wrong, maybe people can change, and that particular animal they are holding has found a way into their heart, but for the people who are doing it just because its the new "in" thing, I think its totally wrong.

I see girls who readily pick up cute puppies and kittens at adoptathons but when they come back to their area, they are extremely turned off and even walk fast if a stray on the road follows them.

People who have shunned animals and hit them with sticks and thrown stones at them for the longest time have suddenly realised that puppy/kitten love has grown amongst their friends and society frowns on cruelty because of this. These people have no love for sick/wounded animals or even healthy fully grown ones.

People who signed letters and petitions against animals in my own colony, now have profile pictures with stray dogs on Facebook. They buy/adopt dogs and hire someone to feed them, walk them and groom them, all they do is pet the animal a few minutes and then they're back their lives. Countless animals have been abandoned due to old age or because their owner doesn't have the time for them or is moving to a new city/country. Your animal may only be a small part of your life, but to him/her, you're his entire life.

Its definitely not a change of heart, but since everyone is doing and its the new "cool" thing to do, so why not right?

The one and only reason I've kept quiet about double standards and not told other people about how cruel these people were is that in the end, even if they love one animal, and they give it a moments attention, all they are doing may just be for show, but in that moment, the animal still wins.

I'm trying to find a way to be happy without being the best.

I didn't become a priest, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was the Pope.

I didn't become a lawyer, because I wouldn't be happy unless i was Chief Justice.

I didn't become an engineer, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was Tony Stark.

I didn't become a musician, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was John Mayer.

I didn't become a writer, because I wouldn't be happy unless I was J.K. Rowling.

I didn't become a Doctor, because I wouldn't be happy until I was House.

I became a pilot. because the sky is not the limit, the sky is home